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(The Story so Far:)
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{{Template:Garou|Rodyn Loyal-Stalker |Lupus|Theurge|Child of Gaia|Everybody is welcome}}
{{Template:Garou|Rodyn Loyal-Stalker |Lupus|Theurge|Children of Gaia|Everybody is welcome}}
== Background ==
== The Story so Far: ==
Loyal-Stalker was born a wolf, his mother was a wolf and his father was a Red Talon.   
Loyal-Stalker was born a wolf, his mother was a wolf and his father was a Red Talon.   
He changed for the first time in his second year, he had two very good years behind him. Running around the forest with his fellow wolf brothers.   
He changed for the first time in his second year, he had two very good years behind him. Running around the forest with his fellow wolf brothers.   
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When he earned the rank of Cliath, he was chosen by the elders to join a pack consisting of werewolves that just became Cliath too. Five souls who would work good together.
When he earned the rank of Cliath, he was chosen by the elders to join a pack consisting of werewolves that just became Cliath too. Five souls who would work good together.
== Prelude ==
After the unfortunate circumstances that led us to travel to Europe, we arrived at Holland. The plan was to go to Delft, to the Bluepelt sept. We heard that they have a hard fight against the wyrm, we might be able to help.
D managed to get a car, and although I never saw him drive this weird machine before, he managed to get us to Delft in 1 piece. What we found was a city full of the weaver and wyrm, the wyld was scarce. We had to find the caern, find our fellow garou. We had no clue where to go, so we asked a powerful spirit for help, the great canal “The Vliet”. As the theurge, I was to be the one to ask the spirit. By performing a rite of cleansing, we got his attention. Unfortunately, I still have not mastered the speech of the spirits. By a bit of garou speech and using paws, I managed to get across the message that we were searching for our fellow garou. The spirit led our way.
The spirit got us as far as he could, we thanked him and went along with our search.
What we found was a small garden, just as we arrived, a humanoid shape threw something in the garden. This something attracted a spirit, which got attacked by 2 garou almost instantly.
This was bad news, spiral dancers in the middle of the city. We attacked, trying to help the spirit. We killed one of the spirals, but more were coming. We had to flee.
We fled to the forest, where Scarlet called for help. We knew that the spirals would be attracted as well, but it wasn’t to be helped, we needed the help from the garou from Delft.
The spirals arrived first, 4 of them. By sheer luck we managed to withstand them, but we were outnumbered and luck only lasts so long.
Then out of nowhere, 2 garou entered the fight. The spirals were no match against the 5 of us.
The 2 garou introduced themselves as Thomas, Rent Harder, Dawnstalker, Alpha of the alias pack and Ilea “Oathkeeper” Westhoven, keeper of the lands. They invited us to the caern.
== The first moot ==
The first moot we attended was one of fighting.
The sept was send out into Delft to clean up any spirals and banes they came across.
Scarlet, me and D went with a group to fight alongside them. We found plenty of fight.
After what seemed like hours, we heard the call of the wyld coming from the caern.
With all haste, we went back, to find the caern under attack.
The spirals had captured the alpha of the sept. He got his throat cut in front of our eyes, than the spirals attacked.
We defended as good as we could, many fell. To me it was quickly becoming apparent that I didn’t stand a stance against the spirals when it came to physical combat. So I took a step back from the combat so I could heal D and Scarlet. With me keeping them up, and them keeping the enemy away from me, we managed to hold back the spirals for quite a while. But they proved the stronger, Scarlet and I went down.
The rest of the sept managed to overcame their enemies, and after a long battle, the sept was victorious. But it was a victory covered with sadness, a lot of garou were on the ground, and too many of those would never stand up again.
Scarlet and I got our wounds tended as good as possible.
The moot was concluded with honoring the death. 
== The second moot ==
My second moot was still one of war.
At the start, packs were tasked with the cleaning up of parts of Delft. And even though we are no pack yet, we were considered one for this task.
3 of us was not enough to complete the task though, so we allied with Daniel “Argues with Gaia” du Martin, who also brought in Jaagt bij Nacht. Now with 5, we needed a leader. D and I know we are not cut out to be an alpha of a pack, so it was for the other 3 to fight it out. And they did it the old fashion way, a good old fisticuffs.  Jaagt bij Nacht proved the strongest and would be the decider for tonight.
We were tasked with cleaning of the “Hof of Delft”, Jaagt bij Nacht led us to there through the Umbra.
We found a lot of tags and drugs trading. The tags looked like they could have a connection with the spirals.
We decided to investigate to tags, it brought us to a building. Inside we found nothing that helped us. We moved on.
Following the tags, we came upon a bane that was drumming, he fled before we could get to him.
Next we found a little park. There was a drugsdealerbane there, we decided he was no longer welcome. He got help from 5 spirals, after a long and brutal battle we defeated them. To make this park better, we performed a rite of cleansing. Making the “Hof of Delft” a little better.
After the rite, we talked a bit. During the talk it was apparent that all 5 of us had the same vision for the sept. Seeing as our feelings and goals were similar, it was decided that the 5 of us would form a pack.
After the battle in the park, we were wounded, Jaagt bij Nacht led us back to the caern to recuperate. Having used all my energy during the fight to keep my fellow garou up, we needed to find someone to transfer some from the others to me, so I could heal them up more so we could continue the fight.
Wears the Umbra was willing to help us with a rite of the cup. Scarlet and Argues with Gaia gave me some of their energy. Wears the Umbra also offered to teach me the rite. I gladly accepted and we made an appointment for the next day.
After being recuperated the best we could, we went back to the Hof. We got into a fight when we ventured into the Voordijkshoorn, with enemies that were armed with silver bullets.
Still wounded from the other fight, we retreated before we were forced to chance to Crinos and break the veil.
We went back to the caern. Where we extracted the silver bullets from Scarlet and Argues with Gaia, who got hit during the fight.
Jaagt bij Nacht gave his report to de keeper of the lands, which tasked us to clean up the Hof even more the coming month.
== The third moot ==
My third moot had a happy start.
The war was over.
Challenges were made, but as a just joined cliath, I was in no position to challenge anyone, yet.
With the war over, the moot was once again what a moot should be. A get to getter with fellow garou, to get to know other garou and their story.
At the start of the moot, I met a Russian garou who was interested in our ritual setup. She introduced herself as Alexandra. I introduced Scarlet to her and we started talking. After hearing the goal of our soon to be pack, Alexandra was quick to challenge us for a place in the pack. We accepted the challenge, which would be decided on a later date.
Argues with Gaia got a task to intercept a cup traveling from Rotterdam to us, to help her find the caern. Argues with Gaia, Alexandra, Scarlet and me went to find her. During the search, the challenge for Alexandra was set. The cup was found, as agreed Alexandra, Scarlet and me stayed at a distance. Argues with Gaia went to talk to her.
At that moment a call of the wyld came from the caern and we hurried back. Argues with Gaia stayed with the cup.
The elder galliard was announcing the great deeds of the garou of Bluepelt.
A couple of things happened after that. Some packs went into Delft to look for a fight. A kinfolk came to the caern to ask for help, she was pregnant with the child of a garou. But she didn’t want the child, the garou abused her and she could not stand having the child in her.
Argues with Gaia, having delivered the cup to the den mother, stepped in to help her and watch over her. She wanted to go to an abortion clinic, but the value of a garou child is too big to let her do that.
Almost at the same time, a ronin was near the caern. I can’t remember the exact timing, seeing as Argues with Gaia also had a hand in this situation. He met the ronin first, after finding out that the garou was in fact a ronin, he did not let him enter the caern.
Alexandra put it on herself to talk with the ronin. Trying to find out his story.
Scarlet and I still have the situation of the drumming bane in the Hof of Delft to solve. We had no means to find the little guy, but past experience (during the first moot, one of the fights was with one of these banes) we knew them to be dangerous. We asked Chigaru “Sath-Hem-Thak” if he could ask the spirits if they know something about the banes.
After seeing that situation with the kinfolk was being handled, I decided, with a bit of a nudge from Scarlet, to see about the ronin situation.
Alexandra was talking with him, but didn’t get far with him. He was scared and afraid to talk.
He did not want to tell his story, he was ashamed of what happened.
After telling my story, which also led me to leave my birth tribe, he started to tell his story.
As his rite of passage, he was tasked with traveling to different septs and learning about their ways.
During his travels, he came upon the ending of a war. The only survivor he found was a kinfolk.
The kinfolk told him about the location of a couple of fetishes. He decided that he had traveled enough and went back to his own sept. Upon telling his story, he was granted cliath status.
Shortly after that he got tasked with the protection of 4 cups. He was patrolling the area that belonged to the sept, which should have been a safe area.
They got attacked.
The ronin had trouble changing to crinos, because of this, 1 of the cups died. Seeing the slaughter before him, he couldn’t handle it and fainted.
I don’t know if he got send away, or that he decided to go away himself. But the shame of what happened was enough to make him ronin.
I tried to convince him that he could redeem himself by making him useful for the bluepelt sept.
He wouldn’t listen, he was too afraid that something similar would happen again, that he would fail again because the mere sight of blood takes him back to that awful day.
Alexandra tried to get him over the fear of blood by opening a wound on her arm and showing him the blood. She even went as far as pushing his finger in the wound. But it only made the ronin more scared.
Almost wanting to give up on the ronin, Chigaru came along with a good plan. We would present the ronin to a warspirit. If the ronin could convince the warspirit that he can be useful in a fight, he would earn a place in the sept. He suggested the warspirit Bohr, who is known for being a defensive spirit.
Chigaru would come along because he can speak with the spirits, as the Philodox Alexandra would also join this plan. Seeing as I have not mastered the speech of the spirits yet, Chigaru suggested I would come along to get a start with learning the speech.
We went to the great warspirit Bohr. After some negotiating, he accepted to watch over the ronin for 2 weeks, after which he would decide if the ronin was worth it.
There we left the ronin and returned to the caern. Chigaru still had some other business to attend to, so he took a detour.
Alexandra and I went back to the caern.
There I found out how the story of the kinfolk ended, or at least the current state.
Argues with Gaia was tasked to guard her, but she escaped.
He followed her to the clinic, where the doctor was a bit too interested in the abnormal.
He turned out to be a leech, an old one. Although Argues with Gaia hold the thing off for a long time, he barely escaped with his live. The Alpha, Rent Harder, struck the creature down just in time. It vanished in a trail of smoke. Probably not quite dead yet.
I healed Argues with Gaia a bit, so that he would be able to defend himself at least should trouble arise in the caern.
It was then that I heard someone asking for the ronin, a garou I had not seen before.
She came from France, to hunt down this ronin. He was wanted for lying, she wouldn’t say more than that.
Believing in second chances, I didn’t want to hand over the location of the ronin. I asked if they could wait for 2 weeks.
In the end, the alpha made a deal with the pack from France and the ronin was to be handed over.
When that was settled, a new situation aroused, the alpha was not happy with what the den father, Jan “Shortcut” de Jong, was teaching the cups.
The litany clearly states that the wyrm should be fought everywhere we can. Shortcut was learning the cups that there should be a balance, that if the wyrm was too weak, we should even protect the wyrm.
This went against the litany and the alpha gave shortcut a choice. Either he runs with the alpha and it will be his last run, or he leaves now and never returns. Shortcut decided to leave.
At the start of the moot, one of the challenges was for den father and den mother. 3 people accepted the challenge, and with the den mother leaving to go back to her birth sept in Germany and the den father being exiled, there were 2 open positions.
At the end of the moot, the den mother laid down the challenge. The 3 challengers got a package of worth. They were tasked to stand still at their location. The den mother than laid down the flags of the tribes of the 3 challengers a few meters from the challengers.
She spat on them.
One of the get Fenris immediately went for her and gave her a good trashing before the challenge master got him of her. The other 2 were clearly not amused, but stood their ground.
They won the challenge, while the get Fenris lost.
The den mother explained, being den mother or den father means you won’t be able to join a fight if it means leaving the cups behind. It means you will not be able to gain as much renown as other garou.
It means giving up a lot so you can take care of the cup, the future of the sept.
As a last task for the coming month, the keeper of the lands informed us about banes on the umbra. There was work being done at the old rail bridge. In the umbra, there are also worker banes, and every other spirit or bane goes around them with wide circle.
== Rank: ==
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== Positions: ==
== Photo: ==

Latest revision as of 15:09, 10 January 2019

Rodyn Loyal-Stalker
Lupus.gif Theurge.gif Children of Gaia.gif
Lupus Theurge Children of Gaia
Everybody is welcome


Loyal-Stalker was born a wolf, his mother was a wolf and his father was a Red Talon. He changed for the first time in his second year, he had two very good years behind him. Running around the forest with his fellow wolf brothers. After the change, the Red Talons took him in. He never really felt he fitted in, but he would do what was expected from him. Till one night. A human was found at the edge of the Red Talons territory. He knew what the tribe did with humans, and till then he also believed humans deserved it. He was taken to the edge, as a test, he would have to see how the human was punished for his crimes. As soon as he saw the pitiful human, he knew that this weak creature had done nothing wrong to deserve dead. He just wandered in the wrong place at the wrong time. The other Talons urged him to kill the creature, but he could not. They forced him to watch as the other Wolves tore the poor creature apart.

It was the first time he changed because of rage. He fought free and ran.

After running for what seemed hours, he got tired and only then noticed he was hurt. He did not have the energy to even change fully back. He got stuck in Hispo form. He lay there for some time, not moving, not caring. What is the point? He would never fit in werewolf society if he couldn’t even kill.

Then a woman walked up to him. She was a child of Gaia, her name Ailise Wild-Scar. She healed him with the blessing of Gaia. He had never saw a werewolf heal another. That night they talked, he explained what happened. She explained that he was just born with the wrong tribe. She told him about the children of Gaia, about the healing of the land, making the peace so a united community of werewolves would stand vast against the coming apocalypse.

She was on her way to a caern where a lot of the children were. He went with her. Learning a lot from this sept, he finally felt at home for the first time since his first change.

With all he learned, he believed that healing the wounded would also heal a bit of the taint that ails the Wyrm. Hopefully delaying the apocalypse, giving the werewolf community more time to prepare and get their business on order.

When he earned the rank of Cliath, he was chosen by the elders to join a pack consisting of werewolves that just became Cliath too. Five souls who would work good together.


After the unfortunate circumstances that led us to travel to Europe, we arrived at Holland. The plan was to go to Delft, to the Bluepelt sept. We heard that they have a hard fight against the wyrm, we might be able to help. D managed to get a car, and although I never saw him drive this weird machine before, he managed to get us to Delft in 1 piece. What we found was a city full of the weaver and wyrm, the wyld was scarce. We had to find the caern, find our fellow garou. We had no clue where to go, so we asked a powerful spirit for help, the great canal “The Vliet”. As the theurge, I was to be the one to ask the spirit. By performing a rite of cleansing, we got his attention. Unfortunately, I still have not mastered the speech of the spirits. By a bit of garou speech and using paws, I managed to get across the message that we were searching for our fellow garou. The spirit led our way.

The spirit got us as far as he could, we thanked him and went along with our search. What we found was a small garden, just as we arrived, a humanoid shape threw something in the garden. This something attracted a spirit, which got attacked by 2 garou almost instantly. This was bad news, spiral dancers in the middle of the city. We attacked, trying to help the spirit. We killed one of the spirals, but more were coming. We had to flee.

We fled to the forest, where Scarlet called for help. We knew that the spirals would be attracted as well, but it wasn’t to be helped, we needed the help from the garou from Delft. The spirals arrived first, 4 of them. By sheer luck we managed to withstand them, but we were outnumbered and luck only lasts so long. Then out of nowhere, 2 garou entered the fight. The spirals were no match against the 5 of us.

The 2 garou introduced themselves as Thomas, Rent Harder, Dawnstalker, Alpha of the alias pack and Ilea “Oathkeeper” Westhoven, keeper of the lands. They invited us to the caern.

The first moot

The first moot we attended was one of fighting. The sept was send out into Delft to clean up any spirals and banes they came across. Scarlet, me and D went with a group to fight alongside them. We found plenty of fight. After what seemed like hours, we heard the call of the wyld coming from the caern. With all haste, we went back, to find the caern under attack.

The spirals had captured the alpha of the sept. He got his throat cut in front of our eyes, than the spirals attacked. We defended as good as we could, many fell. To me it was quickly becoming apparent that I didn’t stand a stance against the spirals when it came to physical combat. So I took a step back from the combat so I could heal D and Scarlet. With me keeping them up, and them keeping the enemy away from me, we managed to hold back the spirals for quite a while. But they proved the stronger, Scarlet and I went down.

The rest of the sept managed to overcame their enemies, and after a long battle, the sept was victorious. But it was a victory covered with sadness, a lot of garou were on the ground, and too many of those would never stand up again.

Scarlet and I got our wounds tended as good as possible. The moot was concluded with honoring the death.

The second moot

My second moot was still one of war. At the start, packs were tasked with the cleaning up of parts of Delft. And even though we are no pack yet, we were considered one for this task. 3 of us was not enough to complete the task though, so we allied with Daniel “Argues with Gaia” du Martin, who also brought in Jaagt bij Nacht. Now with 5, we needed a leader. D and I know we are not cut out to be an alpha of a pack, so it was for the other 3 to fight it out. And they did it the old fashion way, a good old fisticuffs. Jaagt bij Nacht proved the strongest and would be the decider for tonight.

We were tasked with cleaning of the “Hof of Delft”, Jaagt bij Nacht led us to there through the Umbra. We found a lot of tags and drugs trading. The tags looked like they could have a connection with the spirals. We decided to investigate to tags, it brought us to a building. Inside we found nothing that helped us. We moved on.

Following the tags, we came upon a bane that was drumming, he fled before we could get to him.

Next we found a little park. There was a drugsdealerbane there, we decided he was no longer welcome. He got help from 5 spirals, after a long and brutal battle we defeated them. To make this park better, we performed a rite of cleansing. Making the “Hof of Delft” a little better. After the rite, we talked a bit. During the talk it was apparent that all 5 of us had the same vision for the sept. Seeing as our feelings and goals were similar, it was decided that the 5 of us would form a pack.

After the battle in the park, we were wounded, Jaagt bij Nacht led us back to the caern to recuperate. Having used all my energy during the fight to keep my fellow garou up, we needed to find someone to transfer some from the others to me, so I could heal them up more so we could continue the fight. Wears the Umbra was willing to help us with a rite of the cup. Scarlet and Argues with Gaia gave me some of their energy. Wears the Umbra also offered to teach me the rite. I gladly accepted and we made an appointment for the next day.

After being recuperated the best we could, we went back to the Hof. We got into a fight when we ventured into the Voordijkshoorn, with enemies that were armed with silver bullets. Still wounded from the other fight, we retreated before we were forced to chance to Crinos and break the veil.

We went back to the caern. Where we extracted the silver bullets from Scarlet and Argues with Gaia, who got hit during the fight. Jaagt bij Nacht gave his report to de keeper of the lands, which tasked us to clean up the Hof even more the coming month.

The third moot

My third moot had a happy start. The war was over. Challenges were made, but as a just joined cliath, I was in no position to challenge anyone, yet. With the war over, the moot was once again what a moot should be. A get to getter with fellow garou, to get to know other garou and their story. At the start of the moot, I met a Russian garou who was interested in our ritual setup. She introduced herself as Alexandra. I introduced Scarlet to her and we started talking. After hearing the goal of our soon to be pack, Alexandra was quick to challenge us for a place in the pack. We accepted the challenge, which would be decided on a later date.

Argues with Gaia got a task to intercept a cup traveling from Rotterdam to us, to help her find the caern. Argues with Gaia, Alexandra, Scarlet and me went to find her. During the search, the challenge for Alexandra was set. The cup was found, as agreed Alexandra, Scarlet and me stayed at a distance. Argues with Gaia went to talk to her.

At that moment a call of the wyld came from the caern and we hurried back. Argues with Gaia stayed with the cup. The elder galliard was announcing the great deeds of the garou of Bluepelt. A couple of things happened after that. Some packs went into Delft to look for a fight. A kinfolk came to the caern to ask for help, she was pregnant with the child of a garou. But she didn’t want the child, the garou abused her and she could not stand having the child in her. Argues with Gaia, having delivered the cup to the den mother, stepped in to help her and watch over her. She wanted to go to an abortion clinic, but the value of a garou child is too big to let her do that.

Almost at the same time, a ronin was near the caern. I can’t remember the exact timing, seeing as Argues with Gaia also had a hand in this situation. He met the ronin first, after finding out that the garou was in fact a ronin, he did not let him enter the caern. Alexandra put it on herself to talk with the ronin. Trying to find out his story.

Scarlet and I still have the situation of the drumming bane in the Hof of Delft to solve. We had no means to find the little guy, but past experience (during the first moot, one of the fights was with one of these banes) we knew them to be dangerous. We asked Chigaru “Sath-Hem-Thak” if he could ask the spirits if they know something about the banes.

After seeing that situation with the kinfolk was being handled, I decided, with a bit of a nudge from Scarlet, to see about the ronin situation. Alexandra was talking with him, but didn’t get far with him. He was scared and afraid to talk. He did not want to tell his story, he was ashamed of what happened. After telling my story, which also led me to leave my birth tribe, he started to tell his story.

As his rite of passage, he was tasked with traveling to different septs and learning about their ways. During his travels, he came upon the ending of a war. The only survivor he found was a kinfolk. The kinfolk told him about the location of a couple of fetishes. He decided that he had traveled enough and went back to his own sept. Upon telling his story, he was granted cliath status. Shortly after that he got tasked with the protection of 4 cups. He was patrolling the area that belonged to the sept, which should have been a safe area. They got attacked. The ronin had trouble changing to crinos, because of this, 1 of the cups died. Seeing the slaughter before him, he couldn’t handle it and fainted.

I don’t know if he got send away, or that he decided to go away himself. But the shame of what happened was enough to make him ronin.

I tried to convince him that he could redeem himself by making him useful for the bluepelt sept. He wouldn’t listen, he was too afraid that something similar would happen again, that he would fail again because the mere sight of blood takes him back to that awful day. Alexandra tried to get him over the fear of blood by opening a wound on her arm and showing him the blood. She even went as far as pushing his finger in the wound. But it only made the ronin more scared. Almost wanting to give up on the ronin, Chigaru came along with a good plan. We would present the ronin to a warspirit. If the ronin could convince the warspirit that he can be useful in a fight, he would earn a place in the sept. He suggested the warspirit Bohr, who is known for being a defensive spirit. Chigaru would come along because he can speak with the spirits, as the Philodox Alexandra would also join this plan. Seeing as I have not mastered the speech of the spirits yet, Chigaru suggested I would come along to get a start with learning the speech.

We went to the great warspirit Bohr. After some negotiating, he accepted to watch over the ronin for 2 weeks, after which he would decide if the ronin was worth it.

There we left the ronin and returned to the caern. Chigaru still had some other business to attend to, so he took a detour.

Alexandra and I went back to the caern.

There I found out how the story of the kinfolk ended, or at least the current state. Argues with Gaia was tasked to guard her, but she escaped. He followed her to the clinic, where the doctor was a bit too interested in the abnormal. He turned out to be a leech, an old one. Although Argues with Gaia hold the thing off for a long time, he barely escaped with his live. The Alpha, Rent Harder, struck the creature down just in time. It vanished in a trail of smoke. Probably not quite dead yet. I healed Argues with Gaia a bit, so that he would be able to defend himself at least should trouble arise in the caern.

It was then that I heard someone asking for the ronin, a garou I had not seen before. She came from France, to hunt down this ronin. He was wanted for lying, she wouldn’t say more than that. Believing in second chances, I didn’t want to hand over the location of the ronin. I asked if they could wait for 2 weeks. In the end, the alpha made a deal with the pack from France and the ronin was to be handed over.

When that was settled, a new situation aroused, the alpha was not happy with what the den father, Jan “Shortcut” de Jong, was teaching the cups. The litany clearly states that the wyrm should be fought everywhere we can. Shortcut was learning the cups that there should be a balance, that if the wyrm was too weak, we should even protect the wyrm. This went against the litany and the alpha gave shortcut a choice. Either he runs with the alpha and it will be his last run, or he leaves now and never returns. Shortcut decided to leave.

At the start of the moot, one of the challenges was for den father and den mother. 3 people accepted the challenge, and with the den mother leaving to go back to her birth sept in Germany and the den father being exiled, there were 2 open positions. At the end of the moot, the den mother laid down the challenge. The 3 challengers got a package of worth. They were tasked to stand still at their location. The den mother than laid down the flags of the tribes of the 3 challengers a few meters from the challengers. She spat on them. One of the get Fenris immediately went for her and gave her a good trashing before the challenge master got him of her. The other 2 were clearly not amused, but stood their ground. They won the challenge, while the get Fenris lost. The den mother explained, being den mother or den father means you won’t be able to join a fight if it means leaving the cups behind. It means you will not be able to gain as much renown as other garou. It means giving up a lot so you can take care of the cup, the future of the sept.

As a last task for the coming month, the keeper of the lands informed us about banes on the umbra. There was work being done at the old rail bridge. In the umbra, there are also worker banes, and every other spirit or bane goes around them with wide circle.




former The Five souls not a part of the Blue Pelt Sept



