Den Parent

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Den Parents serve as the shepherds of the young, protecting the Cubs and kinfolk of the sept. Since the start of the Age of Apocalypse, Den Parents have also been saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that kinfolk are not Bitten without explicit permission, as there are werewolves too shortsighted to understand that such actions risk the future. Den Parents guard the local kinfolk from harm and mistreatment. They have the power to punish anyone who harms or kills a kinfolk, and Den Parents can only be overruled by a vote of the Council of Auspices in such matters.


  • Ensuring the training and protection of the local Cubs.
  • Policing and guarding the sept's kinfolk.
  • Judging the Rite of Passage for all Cubs.
  • Keeping the sept's linage records.
  • Drafting any member of the sept once per 30 days to instruct Cubs.
  • Assigning Cubs to assist a higher-Rank Garou of the sept in exchange for instruction.