Elder Philodox

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Because Delft is just a small sept, the Elder Philodox has two different jobs 1. being the Truthcatcher and 2. being the the Master of the Challenge


Many Garou consider justice to be a matter of pragmatic action rather than theoretical philosophy. It is the role of the Truthcatcher, the Philodox seat on the Council of Auspices, to ensure judgement comes from equal parts mercy, wisdom, and retribution. She enforces the application of justice as it applies to the Litany and Sept Laws within the protectorate of her sept.

A Truthcatcher oversees the entire legal and justice system of a sept. It is her responsibility to determine whether those accused of breaking laws are guilty or innocent, and to provide punishment or chance of atonement to those who are found guilty. Clearly, in larger septs, this responsibility is too much for a single werewolf, so she can empower other Philodox to act as her deputy judges in specific cases.

Mediation between packs of a sept falls under the jurisdiction of the Truthcatcher's office. She performs all ceremonial binding promises, such as oaths, alliances, and geasa. Her office keeps records of punishment and scandal, working with the Talesinger to ensure that punishment is public, so that it can discourage others. Likewise, the Truthcatcher assigns redemption quests to those seeking to be forgiven for past sins and crimes against the Litany. Atonement quests and tasks fall within the purview of the Truthcatcher and her assistant Philodox. Those Garou who show true remorse for their misdeeds, even while serving a punishment, can petition for or be offered the opportunity to atone for their actions. If the Truthcatcher accepts their request, they are assigned a task or quest, even possibly a geas, which they must complete in order to receive absolution for their offenses. Immediately after the Truthcatcher certifies the task's completion, any ongoing punishments the werewolf suffers for her crime end.


  • Adjudicating and holding trial over violations of Sept Laws or the Litany.
  • Appointing a Philodox to judge a Garou accused of a crime.
  • Assigning redemption quests to restore a criminal's honor.
  • Witnessing oaths, promises, and other ceremonial bindings.


The legends surrounding purity of a challenge lie close to the heart of the Garou Nation. Perhaps this tradition is why a Master of the Challenge is among the most honorable and important positions within a sept. Her sole duty is to oversee and sanction all challenges that occur within the boundaries of the sept's protectorate. If the Garou of the sept lose faith in this system, it leads to bloodshed and violence that weakens the community.

It is considered a sign of respect to notify the Master of the Challenge before confronting your rival. Those wishing to advance in Rank must first contact the Master of the Challenge and request a proper trial that fits her schedule in order to do so. This process allows the Master of the Challenge to identify a Garou of the appropriate auspice and Rank to assist her, even if she must find such a worthy Garou in another sept. Often, the Master of the Challenge will aid other septs in this capacity, as her schedule allows.

Some less-honorable Sept Leaders have attempted to hide behind the Litany and escape challenges to their position through the declaration of a time of war. In these instances, the Master of the Challenge has the unique ability to overrule the Sept Leader’s declaration and allow challenges to her leadership to take place.


  • Overseeing all challenges by either personally witnessing them or appointing trusted judges to witness them on her behalf.
  • Determining the terms of physical fights.
  • Monitoring contests and declaring winners and losers.
  • Setting when and where a challenge will take place.
  • Determining if a Rank challenge is valid.
  • Connecting with other septs to procure appropriate judges for challenges.